This website was published in 2020 and has a static homepage, about page, services landing page, 6 additional services pages, a training page, and contact page. It links to other industry training programs and affiliates. The homepage header is a slider of 6 images linking to each service and training offering provided. It was built using a WordPress theme and various plugins.
The client provided headshots, 2-3 images from jobs completed, team bios, some copywriting and industry information. The remaining images were sourced myself through the WordPress theme and hosting provider, GoDaddy. I also wrote landing page leads and services summaries for the site, linking to the services page copy provided by the client, Jamie. While final approval of all written work was through Jamie, it was a team effort to complete appropriate word length and fluid pieces for the functioning of the site.
Upon completion the site was handed off to Jamie, and his IT personnel was provided with a login. He was instructed to purchase an SSL certificate but has not yet chosen to do so, which is why the live site reads, 'not secure,' in the search bar. This is easily remedied.
View the live site here: