Are You Struggling to Launch Your Wellness Website?
Current Offerings with Carly EM Creative
4-Hour Finish Line Digital Co-Work Session | CAD 290
5-Week Website Launch Collaboration | CAD 750
3-Month Online Business Creation Coaching | CAD 1,500
Hour banks are also available from $40 - 65/hour. Email for details. 

Payment plans are available. Prices are in Canadian dollars.
Additional services from my referral network may be recommended.
How Do You Know Which Service Is Right For You?
Do you feel like you're 85-95% there but are stuck on a few things?  Are you sitting on a mostly-done website but can't press PUBLISH? Can you relate to...
You have your domain and chosen builder.
Your website vision is clear, you have started building and feel like it's almost there.
You are happy with your logo and branding.
You added a great headshot of yourself and some on-brand stock images.
Your writing is 90% done, but you'd like a second opinion, and maybe some tweaks and suggestions. 
You have chosen a niche and created an initial offer. 
You have a clearly defined call to action.
You're stuck on connecting your domain and other technical things.
You're not confident in your vision and want a pre-launch audit to help ensure an amazing first impression.
You're too close to your project and can't tell if it makes sense, flows well, and clearly communicates your vision and purpose. 
Book a 4-Hour Finish Line Co-Working Session. Start with a 30-minute planning discussion and choose your launch date
Or have you been researching and visioning for a while and are lost in the details? 
You feel like you have learned a lot but still have so far to go...
You know about hosting and domains but want to run your research by someone for advice.
You have narrowed down your website builder and other software of choice.
You have started the branding and photography process, you have a vision in mind and would like a second set of eyes for minor improvements and adjustments.
Your website copywriting is started, your mind dump and mind map are expressed, and you feel 30-70% finished with your writing but could use some structure, organization, input, and advice. 
You are certified and passionate.
You're unclear on an ideal niche and initial launch offer.
You're confused about how to connect the software and systems together.
You lack clarity and confidence about the next steps to materialize your vision and start doing your work.

Or are you certified in wellness and ready to work, but don't know where to start when it comes to creating and launching your digital offers and website?
You're new to terms like domains, hosting, and website builders.
You're confused about which other software you might need.
You haven't started branding, photography, image sourcing, or copywriting.  
You're ready to share your light and gifts of service with the world. 
Hop on a 30-minute clarity call with me to see if we are a good fit for the 3-Month Online Business Creation Coaching experience, and let's get you launched!